

Once upon a time, in the land of Fabricland when Molly and Seanna worked together, design challenges were a common pass-time. Choose our fabrics, choose our notions, and off we'd go with our separate ideas, to see what we could make.

The herringbone satin and peacock feathers was one of these. I added the details of velvet piping, a pleated charmeuse sash with a cluster of glass beading and ribbon. I ended up making this gown to wear as an escort to a university grad banquet. How elegant it was.



I present, everything that is excellent in a garment.
Bright colours, intriguing lines that couldn't possibly untangle themselves and knits that move with you.
This was a feat that I will probably love forever.


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I need to stop working and start sewing. Yes.


Once upon a time, through a series of events and knowing people, I was asked to do a couple costumes for the Moulin Rouge production at a nearby highschool.
I can't really say I designed these. My job was to copy the movie's costuming as much as possible. And make them high-school appropriate. They turned out good. And the highschool actors did a great job.

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moulin rouge 3

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On the eve of the eve of the eve of the eve of the day of sending in my portfolio to the school to which I am applying to continue my insanity at, I have a list of things in my sketchbook yet to be completed, and only one day off work. And here I sit, considering whether to draw or paint, or cut, or just sit, or maybe even sleep, and I find myself wanting to share another project.

It was another Thursday at work, and I received a text from a friend inquiring as to whether I'd be going dancing that night, and whether I'd made a hat for the occasion. The answer to the first question was yes, and the answer to the second question was a "whut." Because of the Alice movie (don't get me started....), our favorite venue had established this particular night as Mad Hat night. So I came home from work with one idea, got sick of it, and instead started playing with netting and ribbon. And this is the puff that I wore on my head for the dance.

puff puff


So whether you're into them or not, cloth neck pieces are just that cool. And it was my turn to make one. I love rosettes and sparkles, and yes, they do have a place in the fashion world other than on little girl's dresses. And I will prove that to you. Take a look.

rosette rosette rosette


A few things on my mind at this point in time. Firstly, that I enjoy sitting, looking fashionable as always, in whatever good top I was wearing for the day plus today my favorite scarf that looks vintage but is actually chinese, and since it`s after 9 p.m., lounge pants!, browsing on my laptop with a bowl of ice cream, listening to some Pomplamoose music online. I`m a sucker for ice cream (except soft, eww), and well, all of the above really. But secondly, that since I`m not being productive with those Moulin Rouge costumes tonight, I should do something acceptably productive in the crafty vein. I am brain-storming a few ideas tonight, but I thought I`d also share a rather large project I did this fall. For my random Artworks class this fall, a term assignment was making our individual bookworks. Mine would obviously be extensively cloth.

Made of fabrics from chenille to flannelet, silk to cotton, tweeds and sheers, embellished with sequins, jewels, silk threads and so on and so on, this is an abbreviated version of my trip through life so far. How I got to where I am, where I am, and where I`m going. I can share this with people, show them this. I`m proud of the outcome. But to this day, I cannot read it aloud.

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