
A few things on my mind at this point in time. Firstly, that I enjoy sitting, looking fashionable as always, in whatever good top I was wearing for the day plus today my favorite scarf that looks vintage but is actually chinese, and since it`s after 9 p.m., lounge pants!, browsing on my laptop with a bowl of ice cream, listening to some Pomplamoose music online. I`m a sucker for ice cream (except soft, eww), and well, all of the above really. But secondly, that since I`m not being productive with those Moulin Rouge costumes tonight, I should do something acceptably productive in the crafty vein. I am brain-storming a few ideas tonight, but I thought I`d also share a rather large project I did this fall. For my random Artworks class this fall, a term assignment was making our individual bookworks. Mine would obviously be extensively cloth.

Made of fabrics from chenille to flannelet, silk to cotton, tweeds and sheers, embellished with sequins, jewels, silk threads and so on and so on, this is an abbreviated version of my trip through life so far. How I got to where I am, where I am, and where I`m going. I can share this with people, show them this. I`m proud of the outcome. But to this day, I cannot read it aloud.

Photobucket book
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